A team from client and Contractors are being briefed on a regular Security Risk situation before embarking on the days field activities.
A team from client and Contractors are being briefed on a regular Security Risk situation before embarking on the days field activities.
Arrival at the Restricted Area - the Unity States Airstrip in South Sudan to Gather information and Collect Data. At the Background is United Nations Helicopter.
Children Rights:- Children get to have a say on both issues on Gender and Security Risk. The primary information so collected is analysed and implemented.
Client Round Table to take note on the Strategic Plan Road Map in Nairobi Kenya. Envag Consultants facilitated the Process
Consultant team versus the client looking at the previous strategic plan and underscoring areas that needs to be improved during the mid-term evaluation.
Consultants and Clients HR Department take a Group photo. HR is a key function in organizations and needs to work with all other departments for seemless delivery
Courtesy Call to Lake State Governor seated at the Centre with a team from Envag Associates (K) Ltd and MOP on the sides in South Sudan.
Courtesy Visit by Team from South Sudan Ministry of Petroleum Representatives to Envag Associates (K) Ltd Regional Head Office in Nairobi, Kenya.
Demonstration of Policy Formulation Tenets during a Workshop with the Client in Nairobi Kenya.
Dr William Okelo of Envag Associates facilitating a session of the workshop on Policy Review and Development of New Policy.
Elders meeting with Envag Consultants. It was observed that in the specific area women prefer being met separately from men when disclosing gender issues.
Envag Environmental Consultancy team are taking samples of water from a lagoon for sample tests for Environmental Audit.
Envag Managing Director Dr Charles Omondi taking a Photo at the signboard to Rwanda Police Station in Bugesera to symbolize role played by police including int...
Envag Managing Director, ready to attend a session where clients are to be briefed by Envag Consultants on Security Risk Situation for a Feasibility Study.
Envag MD opening Training Session with Client on Governance issues affecting the County with specifics in Water Sector.
Envag MD opening Training Session with Client on Governance issues affecting the County with specifics in Water Sector.
Gathering Environmental Audit data from gas produced at an oil production plant in Ruweng Administrative Area.
Group photo with Client :- Bomet County Assembly on Strategic Plan Review and Development.
Group photo with client after training on HR management and related Governance issues in Kitui County of Kenya.
Human Resource Management Team building with members of the Maseno Retirement Benefits Scheme at Mombasa Whitesands Beach Hotel in Mombasa, Kenya.
Inception Briefing by Client to Commence Job Evaluation and Salary Survey Consultancy.
Inhouse sensitization of Key staff at the Envag office in Nairobi. Key staff needed to travel to Projects in South Sudan and Rwanda.
Inhouse training for Envag team on various aspects of Management and Governance in Consultancies untaken by Envag.
Inspecting Kisumu County Assembly before meeting the security team of the KCA including seargents at Arm and the MCA's.
Job Evaluation Team at a Nakuru Hotel to appraise Job and Workload Analysis with Envag Consultants during a three day Retreat.
Meeting with Client on Organizational Restructuring at the Enavag Boardroom in Nairobi.
Members of the Bomet NG-CDF flag the consultants during Public participation on implementation of Policies and Strategic Plan with members of the Public.
Official protection by police officer in area that is known for aggressive attacks and cattle rustling during an inspection of a projects field progress.
Security Gathering in villages and bonding with locals as Security information is being gathered in Unity States of South Sudan.
Security Personnel as agent of Security Risk information. Private and local security personnel are seconded from Military in South Sudan - security landscape.
Security Personnel in Central Equatoria State. National, State and Local organized forces and Police are crucial agents of information on Security Risk Management.
Security Risk Data Collection - The flags represents National, State and local Government interest at Payam Level where data is being gathered center in South Sudan.
Security Risk Officers (in Uniform) taking photos with client representative and a few Locals.
Sensitization session with Kisumu County on the County Government Strategic Plan Formulation in Kisumu, Kenya.
Taking samples of soils for testing for the Environmental Audit at Unity States in South Sudan.
The flag of South Sudan at a government office in Juba - Central Equatoria State. The purpose of the visits was to gather information.
The Managing Director gives a Summary accounts of the Achievements, Challenges and Gaps emanating from Consultants Review of Client's Policy and Plan
Training Client Organization in Migori County in Kenya - The Managing Director rises up to introduce Envag Consultants at the Start of the Session.
Training with client on Gender Mainstreaming Elements at Nairobi Railways Training Institute in Kenya.